The Neurology Department of Fathima Hospital provides the diagnosis and management of disorders of the nervous system. Such as epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, the treatable causes of coordination problems and dementia in aging patients, and the effects of trauma to the brain and spinal cord. It is also involved in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of strokes. A state-of-the-art Intensive Care Unit constitutes the neurology wing with ultramodern equipment for patient resuscitation. Non-invasive monitoring, and facilities for procedures like plasmapheresis and intrathecal therapeutics under total aseptic conditions.
The expert team deals with Acute Emergencies like Ischemic and Hemorrhagic stroke syndromes, Acute and sub-acute demyelinating diseases, Status Epilepticus, Status migrainous, Acute Meningo-Eucephalitides and Metalolic-Toxic Encephalopathies. The ICU management of neurological emergencies is complemented by Haemodialysis. As in the case of sedative drug intoxications or hyperviscosity syndromes, and advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitator apparatus, as appropriate. Essential costly drugs like IV gamma globulin, Interferon & Ia and Ib, Methyl preducsolonic, IV phosphenytoin, and IV Acyclovir are made available to our patients in our pharmacy, on a round-the-clock basis. The Neurology Outpatient department caters to patients referred from all the neighboring districts, in addition to the city patient population. Separate clinics for headache, movement disorders, epilepsy, strokes, and metabolic and genetic neurology are being conducted on all days.
Well-Equipped Neurochemistry Lab
The well-equipped Neurochemistry lab, the EEG, EMG, NCS, CT Scan, and Colour Doppler. Our hospital provides excellent supportive research services to our neurology team. A step ahead of other hospitals in the city, we offer the facility of CT Angiography. Which is often made useful to patients with acute strokes. Last but not least, the staff of the neurology department are adequately trained in their respective portfolios and the documentation of records in both the IP & OP sections is meticulously performed. This hospital is also conducting a Neuro Scientific CME program, wherein eminent speakers of the discipline would give their deliberations on disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and newer epileptic Drug Profiles.
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